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miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Forever and for allways...Romania

My beautiful country, my Romanica is passing through not so great times right now.
This financial and economical crisis stroke hard our borders.
I have seen this when I was home, a few days ago, it´s though, because people are not rich or not happy or not even gaining a decent salary, and I can observe that for the normal middle class (not even talk about people gaining minimum salary per economy) it is harder than ever before to save the day and try and give food to their kids. Politicians just don´t seem to care...they never did.
We, we were the ones that once hoped that things will have a better ending, hoping sincerly that this politician is better than his predecesor.
We were fooling ourselves..
I think all of us wanted a better future, thinking that choosing this man or that man will get us out of the trouble...
In a few days:presidencial elections. I will not vote! I think my parents either..Whom could I vote for? I don´t even trust any of them. They are corrupt, and the ones that seem clean just wait in pole-position for the new job, getting benefits, and in the end being as corrupt as the ones before him, itñs looking like a chain reaction...makes me mad and makes me sick thinking about politics..
People suffer more, especially now when You can not get a job so easy, when you have to be the best to get some offer, that´s the world where I find it frustrating to live in..

I hope the best..for Romanians and for me too!

Good-luck Romanica!


martes, 20 de octubre de 2009


What a wonderful city is Valencia! it was very very hot for October(29ºC), but in spite of that, I had great time. I was dreaming of trying the famous Paella Valenciana and I had the chance to do so in a restaurant in the harbour area.
I only spent 2 days and a half but I felt somehow disappointed that I could not see the Oceanographic and Aquarium and admire all the dolphins...next time, I guess.
I also enjoyed that I met 2 friends of mine and was great to discover the city together.


jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Next stop: Valencia!

Valencia, that´s where I plan to spend this week-end.
I heard so many good stuff about it, also about
its vegetarian paella (paella valenciana),
can´t wait to taste it!

Hopefully we´ll have nice weather and enjoy the
On my way back, promise to write a few more lines,
as I would probabbly know a bit more than I do
know now.
So, hasta la vuelta!

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

...Despre toamna..

A venit toamna! si cum spunea bunica, "toamna se numara bobocii"!

Toamna e acea perioada a anului cand se aduna roadele pamantului, cand ajutam bunicii la culesul fructelor, precum spre exemplu a strugurilor pentru a face vinul de casa. Am atatea amintiti placute, in special din copilarie.

Toamna se aduna recolta, incepe scoala, se vor descoperi genii, incepe stagiunea teatrala, e un nou inceput. Ce ciudat…cad frunzele, natura moare, ca sa apara altele in primavara. Si, cu toate astea, e un inceput pentru oameni.

As vrea ca fiecare persoana sa se descopere pe sine, sa incercam sa salvam lumea.
"October is a symphony of permanence and change."
(Bonaro W. Overstreet)
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. "
(Albert Camus)

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

Be who you are !

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
I have seen Trieste for a day only, but I liked the place!
It is nice to walk around that city, the same city where James Joyce spent 2 years from his life, where he started writing "Ulyses" and "Dubliners"..

He even has a statue there!

Italians are ok, not the best people I ever met, or the nicest or the most generous or simple. But they have a good gastronomical tradition. Great food!