Speranta; acest acel sentiment optimist, care este ultimul ce ne ramane cand totul ne napastuieste, acel sentiment pozitiv si inaltator...Totusi, Speranta as putea-o califica ca un medicament indicat pentru tineri si batrani de-o potriva, acest bun medicament ce ne este benefic cand nimic nu mai ramane.Si cel care isi pierde speranta, acel personaj mohorat si pesimist, cum i se poate administra insusi acest bun? Probabil este de preferat sa stim ca avand speranta se pot atinge telurile care ne pareau imposibile.Niciodata nu este destul de tarziu sa credem in noi insine."
Speranţa nu este un vis, ci un mod de a face visurile să devină realitate."L.J. Suenens
That´s right! I haven´t made any resolution for this new year. I never did, in fact.
I read in books about it, I have seen it in movies, probably I don´t need to promise anything to myself...I will try to think to several things that could make me happy this year, happy if I will accomplish them.
So here I go:
1. I hope I will still be in love with my boyfriend, happy together this year too.
2. I want health for my family and my dear ones.
3. I hope I will get a very good job this year! That would do me good...
4. I hope I pass all the exams for my master.
5. I know that my best friend is a real friend, and hopefully she will have a wonderful year too.
6. I hope my brother will have a good year and will pass his exams,I pray he will...
7. I hope to spend more time home, in Romania. :)
8. I would like to see a European capital this year, maybe this summer in Istambul.
Picture taken from Google Images.