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sábado, 25 de diciembre de 2010

Craciun Fericit!

Tocmai ma gandeam la ce realizari am avut in acest 2010, si dupa cateva momente mi-am dat seama ca sunt putine, insa semnificative:

* am invatat sa patinez pe gheata
*am invatat sa merg cu rolele
* fac spinning si e distractiv cand il faci cu drag alaturi de unicele prietene pe care le ai in Madrid :)
* am luat nota mare la certificatul TEOIC
* am reusit sa aranjez destul de mult casa si crucea si mormantul bunicilor
* am mers in vacanta in tarile nordice
* am revenit la Hamburg dupa 4 ani si cel mai frumos a fost ca am fost impreuna cu Samu acolo, in unul din locurile care m-au fermecat cel mai mult!
* fac Craciunul in Bucuresti, acasa dupa 4 ani!

miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

sin ti

las horas y dias son eternidad! y aunque se que vendras dentro de 24 hrs, no aguanto que el tiempo se detenga tanto, quiero que vengas y que mi sonrisa capte la tuya y podre ser plenamente feliz.


domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

Azi ajung acasa, la Bucurestiul meu iubit dupa 6 luni, e ceva vreme de cand nu ne-am vazut :(

Ard de nerabdare sa ating zapada...

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Possible destinations for 2011

Hopefully at least one of these places I get to visit with my sweet "Spanish pumpkin"

Destinations that I dream seeing for a long time now, they are:
* New York
* Argentina ( Buenos AIres & Patagonia)

* Finland
* Iceland

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

A venit decembrie si a adus zapada

Zapada si tot UK-ul este intr-o stare de soc, imi aduce aminte de iernile petrecute acasa, cand zapada ajungea pana la 1 m si tataia muncea de zor sa arunce zapada de pe trotuar...
Mie imi place iarna, dar totusi sper sa se opreasca ninsoarea, altfel ma apuca aici offshore Craciunul si asta desigur ca nu vrea. Ar fi prea deprimant!
Probabil sa ajung acasa saptamana viitoare, insa tot este ok...poate aduc cu mine la Madrid un pic de zapada "scotiana".

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Desde que llegue aquí no tuve mucho tiempo para pensar. Estoy ocupada con el trabajo que no me deja tiempo libre y cuando tengo un ratito debo concentrarme en acabar el ensayo para el master, tengo que escribir entre 8 y 10 paginas sobre las limitaciones de CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning – or simply Bilingualism). Creo que pronto empezare a estresarme con este proyecto ya que el tiempo no lo puedo controlar mucho últimamente y no puedo administrarlo correctamente…pero habrá unos 2 días mucho mas libres pronto y así espero dedicarme al estudio.

Cuando acabo mis 12 horas de curro, solo tengo tiempo en alimentarme un poco y ver la tele.
Apenas anoche descubrí que tengo wireless en mi habitación (infortunadamente solo 28%, esto significando conexión lenta, pero iré al lado, en el living-TV Room ya que allí hay máxima conexión).
La comunicación con mi gente lo encuentro difícil, ya que se debe pagar 20 pence para una llamada de 10 minutos, pero si piensas que contribuyes con tu poquito dinero a una caridad (esto nos han dicho), entonces me siento contenta por hacer las llamadas internacionales. 

Te echo de menos aunque no tengo mucho tiempo para esto tampoco, pero aquí nieva constantemente y esto me recuerda del viaje que hicimos el invierno pasado caminando hacia Gorbea. Pronto espero jugar juntos con bolas de nieve por allí, en los Cárpatos.
Hasta entonces, cuídate y suena conmigo, jijiji

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Cartita para ti

Espero que leas este post, solo queria decirte que ya te echo de menos mucho y darte las gracias por tener paciencia conmigo y mis "skills" de patinadora.

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010


Back to work, back to travel days: tomorrow 2 flights to Scotland and then a flight in chopper to this destination:

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


Punctajul meu a fost de 915. Sunt incantata.

WIkipedia_: "The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is "an English language test designed specifically to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment." The TOEIC Listening & Reading test is a 2-hour multiple-choice test consisting of 200 questions divided into 100 questions each in listening comprehension and reading comprehension. Each candidate receives independent scores for written and listening comprehension on a scale from 5 to 495 points. The total score adds up to a scale from 10 to 990 points."

Acum astept diploma gold.

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

La Ambasada

A trebuit sa merg la consulat sa imi schimb pasaportul pentru unul nou, shinny si electronic...insa ce mediocritate a trebuit sa indur acolo e prea mult pentru a fi descris.
Sincer functionarii astia publici(romani) sunt faimosi ei la noi pentru ca dau dovada de putina profesionalitate si trateaza publicul cu mult dispret, eh si aici la consulat sunt la fel, cladirea e intr-o stare jalnica...imi pare rau ca trebuie sa ma reintorc acolo pentru a ridica pasaportul, speram sa nu trebuiasca sa merg pana la marginea Madridului, intr-un loc unde nimeni nu este simpatic .

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Americans OUT of Irak!

"Baghdad is sad" - an irakie woman about her loved city ...

I decided to write this post in English, for 2 simple reasons:
1. Americans who might accidentally or intentionally read this blog ,
2. Americans wouldn't understand in any other language that I use here as they are lousy language learners.

I want PEACE for the Irakies and I want Americans to fucking wake up from all this confusion that they have in their heads ( I speak for the ones who support the war, who contribute to the killing of innocent civilians)!

I have read books, watched news (although most of the time I wouldn't trust them), saw documentaries of great interest.
The last one I saw today ( “ Baghdad en invierno”, TVE ) impressed me so much, that I decided to take actions and speak my thoughts out .

From the start the war was invented by the almighty stupid ex-US president Bush Jr (and his allies Tony Blair and Aznar), after the 9/11 incidents he manipulated the people who live there and the press and decided to attack Irak “to bring freedom to its inhabitans”, although most of us out there knew he wanted just the fucking oil Irak posses. He blaimed Irak of having 29 major mass distruction. NATO went there, they found 0 !

Still, US soldiers moved there and start killing, raping and attacking children, women, men and old people in Irak. I was so impressed by the powerful force of the local people there, they way they were keeping their hope and strength.

There were daily scences of murders and fires, and with all these children were still attending classes and teachers were protecting them and teaching them new stuff everyday. Most of the kids had to give up school in order to help feeding the family / they were selling gasoline to different cars on the highways and changing their money for food), they were living in bombed houses ( in best of the cases as most of the persons have lost their places, and in the majority of the cases they did not have current water, light or electricity, IMAGINE LIVING LIKE THAT! And more than that IMAGINE living with the threat of dying any moment).

There were distroyed families, orphans in hospital, everyone feeling sad and mutiled phisically and / or psyhically , I felt maybe just half as sad as them ( as I was not in that situations, but even watching the documentary I felt like this seems too cruel, I wanted to switch off the PC and forget for a moment, but I felt I just should go on and watch further and try to understand what Bush intended by “giving freedom to Iraki people”, when he what actually did was taken their freedom, lives, future, families...

I wish I could do something more than raise attention to this cruel war against innocent people, I wish I could help in another way that would give back some hope and put some smile on the faces of those beautiful and smart Iraki children I met today through the documentary I watched.

What do you people from over the world think about this ?

What is the solution besides of the soldiers leaving this country and going to their homes?

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Tenía que haber sido Psicólogo en mi vida laboral...estoy un poco harta de intentar resolver las problemas de la gente que quiero y que me afectan. Es difcil tener bastantes lios en mi vida para que aparezcan otras más... Me gustaría tener una familia tranquila, reservada y feliz pero por lo menos en éste momento no lo tengo.

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Romanii care ma fac mandra sa fiu Romanca

Sunt cativa foarte importanti si dragi mie:
Incep cu scriitorii:
Emil Cioran, Mircea Eliade, Eugene Ionesco, Eminescu, Creanga, Rebreanu, etc.
Apoi cu sportivii:
Nadia Comaneci, Hagi, D.Petrescu, toate gimnastele in general, etc

Opera: Maria Callas.

si nu in ultimul rand, prietenii mei romani, familia si bunica mea.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

A long weekend

...Started on Saturday morning, when I went to Salamanca for a girls day out and ended by coming back from Burgos to Madrid yesterday evening, skipping the traffic jam.


Home-made pizza with cheese hearts

Burgos, Museo de la Evolución Humana

A reproduction of the Darwin's Beagle Boat

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Great Robbie

Imi place de el, atitudinea lui de bad boy, inca de pe vremea cand facea parte din Take That
Insa de cand e artist solo are mult mai mult succes si adevarata lui personailtate este reflectata in piesele sale, good job Rob!

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

sobre Ibiza

Cosas que me gustaron:
- la salsa alioli, la comida en general;
- el Mediteraneo;
- Dalt Vila (casco antiguo);
- el pueblo de Santa Eularía;
- la fiesta del pueblo de Sant Rafael;
- la ciudad no estaba repleto de gente, cosa que me gusta;
- los abuelos ibicencos que se esforzaban hablar en castellano (ellos hablan catalan-ibicenco).

Cosas que no me gustaron:
- el hotel, parecía comunista...
- la falta de taxis en el aeropuerto;
- decepción en general con Eivissa, me esperaba encontrar más cosas que ver, en unas hrs ya se puede visitar todo .

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010


da! da! daaaa!

Maine seara ajungem pe insula, eu si el, noi doi si desi nu vom singuri pe o insula pustie, tot este ok. In Mediterana am mai fost si in urma cu 2 ani la Palma de Mallorca, fantastic locusor.
Acum in Ibiza sper sa putem merge sa dansam la discotecile faimoase(insa probabil de scumpe, insa mizez pe faptul ca acum nu suntem in sezonul turistic de vara, preturile sunt mai reduse). De fapt sunt sigura ca totul este mai ieftin, zborul si hotelul m-ar fi costat intre lunile iulie si septembrie o mica avere. Insa am bafta si un timp agreabil , temperatura de 22 ºC.
Pozele vor fi postate ulterior, la intoarcerea in Madrid.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Sunt racita de aproape 1 saptamana! in Madrid si racita!
Ma tratez acum, sper sa ma recuperez pana maine cand am ora de Spinning.