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jueves, 30 de junio de 2011


Ya has conseguido, queridito, que publiqué una entrada en mi blog sobre algo que me has"infestado": juegos de mesa.
Las chicas no suelen jugar, ellas mejor salen de compras/ rebajas o salen a bailar (cosa que me gusta mucho pero que no lo practico suficiente ).

Pues para empezar puedo recordar el primer juego que hemos jugado (con varios amigos tuyos en C/ San Emilio) y que realmente lo encontraba aburrido y no me atraía nada...el juegos de los aviones, un wargame puro y duro. War of the Wings, que de esto estoy hablando, consigue la peor punctuación mía. Un 0 !!!

Luego las cojas mejoraron y jugué cosas muchisimo más interesante / divertidos como los siguentes que consiguen todos punctuaciónes altas:
1. Ciudadelas ( 7 )
2. Mamma Mía ( 8 )
3. Condontiero ( 7)
4. Fifth Avenue ( 6)
5. Exploradores ( 6)
6. San Juan ( 7)
6. Buccaneer (Piratas) (7,5)
7. UN juego de Zombies que no me acuerdo el nombre ahora (7,5)
8. El Señor de los Anillos (7.80 )
9. Mus ( 8)
9. Carcassone ( 8 )
10. Pandemic (9.5 )
11. Dominant Species ( 9)
12. Colonos de Catán ( 9)
13. Agricola ( 10 )

Creo que me pongo realmente histerica si las cosas no me salen como quiero, por ejemplo si todos me roban las obejas/vacas en Agricola y no puedo alimentar mis hombrecitos....
La verdad que no me esperaba ni yo que me gustara tanto!

Esta noche toca partida de Agricola...a ver si hay suerte y gano...

¿A ver, que te parece_?


Loch Ness

lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

En 30 horas estaremos juntos otra vez despues de 3 semanas sin vernos!
30 Horas.....

domingo, 26 de junio de 2011

Drumul spre casa este lung....

Trebuie sa reflexionez si sa gasesc o solutie curand, situatie este destul de critica pentru mine, acest compromis si job ce il urasc imi provoaca multe neplaceri si ma critic pe mine insumi pentru situatia penibila in care ma gasesc.

Daca nu ar fi nevoie de bani in viata asta, nu as mai lucra aici acum!
Viata ar fi mult mai usoara fara a exista lucrurile materiale...

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

In Impas Profesional

M-am saturat de Mud Logging si de platforme si de izolare si de mizerie, vreau un job mai bun.
Consider ca merit un job care sa imi confere o anumita forma de respect, sa am niste superiori comunicativi si nu imbecili si sa fiu promovata nu dupa milioane de ani lumina...
Nu am inteles inca de cei la care am trimis CV mi l-au respins imediat, nu au stat sa mediteze ca poate merit si eu vreo sansa?
In ce parte sa o iau? Catre ce destinatie sa pornesc? Nu vad nici o luminita oricat optimism as avea...
Nu vreau sa continui a ma simti ratata, stiu ca pot progresa rapid insa nu in aceasta companie ...

martes, 21 de junio de 2011


Am avut dureri puternice de cap ieri toata ziua si noaptea

ma simt un zombi amarat

As avea nevoie de asa ceva

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Top Ten of things I liked in the last month

This post might look a bit superficial/ shallow, but some blogs I follow started posting these stuff and I thought I might try and find only 10 STUFF I owned and liked in the last month
...these 10 things are supposed to be mine and from all of them the last 4 I could give them away to anyone interested...

1. My new grey trousers from Maine.
2. New multifunctional bag Eastpack

3. The graphic novel "Dublines", where I could know better one of my favorite writers James Joyce, a gift from my sweetie boy.
4. Dominant Species, a new boardgame my sweetie bought and when we started playing(although confusing at first sight) we really hit it on and started liking it.

5.My new white-purple Adidas Runners for spinning & jogging and other sport activities
6. My IPod Nano, which now one can not find it on the market ( it is a model from 2007).

The next 4 I also liked but I could give them away...

7. " Siddharta" by Hermann Hesse
8. Sophie Kinsella books which are amazingly fashion and funny!
9. Avene Thermal Water
10. ADELE and her 2 albums "19" and "21", which in the last month I got really obsessed with, it is really inspiring her voice and her song letters, when I want to feel better or either am tired or upset or sad I listen to and feel much better afterwards.
10. Cupcakes earrings.

martes, 14 de junio de 2011

as Scottish as Inverness can be...

So far I have been working in Scotland(though Offshore) for more than 3 yrs, and I have had 'the plasure' to know quite well Aberdeen(which I don' t like!!) and visited Edinburgh (which I like!!).
I have been to Inverness and had a reveletion, it is gorgeous, even the climate was nicer(or maybe I was lucky that day!). I was close to see Loch Ness and maybe meet Nessie, but didn't, so I 'll leave it to the next time...there will be one, sometime!~!

The funny thing is that I ate in a turkish(not kebab) restaurant in Inverness..I wouldn't try the horrible Huggis for anything in the world! :)

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

my name is Forrest, Forrest Gump !

Ayer he visto en la tele britanica ~ Forrest Gump, mi peli favorita, una obra de arte!
Me conozco todas los dialogos, pero eso no me importa, lo que me interesa es pasarlo bien viendo a Forrest convertiendose en una persona fascinante que puede hacer todo aunque es un poco lento...

sábado, 4 de junio de 2011


Missing you, missing also my student' best years and missing good fun and memories that will stay forever in my mind!

"Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students."
Charles Kuralt.

Am fost odata studenta la Geologie & Geofizica

Universitatea Bucuresti...

Sunt nostalgica, mai ales astazi cand am pasit din nou pe holurile de la parter, unde sunt laboratoarele de cristalografie-mineralogie-Amfiteatru Lazarescu...imi este dor de anii studentiei, pentru mine anii de liceu nu se compara cu toate prieteniile adevarate legate la facultate si sunt mandra ca si astazi pastram legatura cu colegii.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

La joaca

1 Iunie, Ziua Copilului: este frumos zambetul unui copil, noi ne-am jucat un joc cu niste purcelusi care se intreceau sa ajunga la meta finala. A dost 1-1/ :)

Dragutul de Felix