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sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

Recenzie : Sophie Kinsella

De ceva vreme citesc cartile lui Sophie Kinsella ( care este pseudonimul literar al lui 
Madeleine Wickham) si desi este in sens literar un "chick-lit", este realist si in acelasi timp tulburator de fascinant si haios, Rebecca Bloomwood face haz de necaz si traieste in lumea ei unde totul miroase a Channel si unde accesoriile si hainele iti aduc fericire ...
"I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore."( Confessions of a Shopaholic)

In prima carte aflam despre povestea de dragoste dintre cei 2 protagonisti: Rebecca si Luke aventurile tinerilor indragostiti in Londra natala.
Apoi se muta la New York unde Luke isi bazeaza afacerile si Becky incearca sa cucereasca mass-media americana, sfarsind de fiecare data in probleme financiare din cauza obsesiei compulsive de a cumpara haine (in special) sau orice i se pare absolut necesar( aproape orice, dupa cum marturiseste).

Volumul doi se incheie cu happy-end desi pana la sfarsit nu se va decide totusi viitorul celor doi protagonisiti ca un cuplu...
In cel de-al treilea volum, aflati la nunta celei mai bune prietene(Suze) Luke o cere in casatorie pe Becky care imediat accepta si incepe cu ardoare sa isi pregateasca nunta...numai ca sunt multe probleme pe drum si in final ea are 2 nunti, 2 rochii, una in New York si una in Oxshott (Surrey), nimeni nu banuieste in ce este "bagata" Becky si nici ea nu realizeaza pana afla clauza contractului incheiat cu wedding planner-ul new yorkez: in caz de anulare trebuie sa plateasca 100.000$...totul se rezolva miraculos si Becky se casatoreste acasa in Anglia, unde parintii ei i-au pregatit o nunta speciala.

Nu pot da multe detalii, vreau sa descoperiti voi cartile...

Eu le-am citit in original, in Engleza, de obicei imi place sa citesc in versiunea scrisa direct de scriitor, traducerile uneori altereaza versiunea originala...

Am ales cateva fraze care mi-au placut mult:

"Life would be a lot easier if conversations were rewindable and erasable, like videos. Or if you could instruct people to disregard what you just said, like in a courtroom."
Sophie Kinsella (Confessions of a Shopaholic)
"A man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. If a man doesn’t fit, you can’t exchange him seven days later for a gorgeous cashmere sweater. And a store always smells good. A store can awaken a lust for things you never even knew you needed. And when your fingers first grasp those shiny, new bags…"
Sophie Kinsella (Confessions of a Shopaholic)
"There's no luck in business. There's only drive, determination, and more drive."
Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic Takes Manhattan)
"People who want to make a million borrow a million first"
Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic Takes Manhattan)
"It's a GIRL.
It's a little girl, with scrunched-up petal lips and a tuft of dark hair and hands in tiny fits, up by her ears. All that time, that's who was in there. And it's weird, but the minute I saw her I just thought: IT'S YOU. Of course it is."
Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic and Baby)
"Some things are best left a blur. Births and Visa Bills."
Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic and Baby)
"Ok. don't panic. Don't panic. It's only a VISA bill. It's a piece of paper; a few numbers. I mean, just how scary can a few numbers be?"
Sophie Kinsella (Confessions of a Shopaholic)
"Shopping is actually very similar to farming a field. You can't keep buying the same thing, you have to have a bit of variety. Otherwise you get bored and stop enjoying yourself."
Sophie Kinsella (Confessions of a Shopaholic)
"Still, that's the point of love; you love someone despite their flaws."
Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic Takes Manhattan)
"Have you ever thought about the grid of Manhattan?'
It's like...a metaphor for life. You think you have the freedom to walk anywhere. But in fact... you are strictly controlled. Up or down. Left or right. Nothing in between. No other options.'
Life should be like an open space...you should be able to walk in whatever direction you choose."
Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic Ties the Knot)
"They said I was a valued customer, now they send me hate mail."
Sophie Kinsella (Confessions of a Shopaholic)

3 comentarios:

  1. Lo siento, no entiendo mucho.
    El libro de 'El Hobbit' lleva demasiado tiempo ahí.

  2. El Hobit se quedo en el 4to capitulo...a lo mejor he perdido la costumbre de leer en Rumano...en las ultimas 3 semanas he leido solo ingles/castellano.
